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Impact of a revaluation of the RMB

Economic volatility: the end of the “great moderation”

Lack of global aggregate demand

March 2010:

Sun. 14th:   Goldman vs. Chanos

Wed. 10th:  What a low US mutual fund cash holding could mean

Sun. 7th:    The US labor market is improving. Isn’t it?

Tue. 2nd:    US household total income vs. total debt

Mon. 1st:    Chinese oil demand, where does the growth come

xxx.xxxx xx from?

Mon. 1st:    Federal reserve balance sheet and bank reserves


February 2010:

Wed. 25th: Two scary graphs

Mon. 23th: Consumer confidence

Sun. 22th:  “The money hole”

Sun. 22th:  Economic outlook: “A tale of two narratives”

Sun. 22th:  Saudi Arabia’s oil exports

Mon. 21th: A “valuation” bear market for US stocks

Wed. 18th: Bad “good ideas”

Tue. 17th:  “A Greek crisis is coming to America”

Mon. 16th: “The pain of adjusting” in the Eurozone

Thu. 12th:  Chinese demand for commodities, a few numbers

Wed. 11th: Commodity prices and interest rates, change in pattern

Mon. 9th:   Chinese real estate:

xxxxxxxxxx“Our strategy is to sell everything we have”

Sun. 8th:    UNG is redeeming shares… finally!

Thu. 5th:    Jim Chanos video at the LSE

Tue. 3rd:    Correlation between the ISM manufacturing and

xxxxx.xxxxxthe S&P 500 YoY return


January 2010:

(Working on it)

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